Kim Kardasian Foray Into World Music
So far the name Kim Kardashian was never associated with the project smelled of music but there are some sources that say that Kim is already bored with reality shows and wants to try his luck in the music world. How did it go? According to those who had heard the voice of Kim, this celebrity did have a beautiful voice.
According to news reported by Splash News, Kim Kardashian has a long term cooperation with The-Dream, a famous rapper who had worked on a few tracks from top singers like Beyonce, Rihanna, and Mariah Carey. So it looks like Kim Kardashian is serious enough with this plan.
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Some time ago there is even claiming to see Kim Kardashian had just left a recording studio in New York. Even if many parties are slightly dubious decision but Kim Kardashian is a source who happened to witness the results of this recording saying that Kim had a good voice. "Kim had a very good voice," this source said, as quoted from Splash News.
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